Choice –Part 1: The Contradictions of Selective Salvation

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Chapter: 14.41
(Section 14: Selective Salvation)
Copyright © Michael Bronson 1998 - 2005
One of the greatest puzzles of the doctrine of selective salvation is the issue of "choice." A main premise of selective salvation is God arbitrarily choosing to send certain people to Heaven and the remainder to Hell. These people have no say in the matter, and there is nothing they can do to alter their destiny.
Selective Salvationists say this selection process is proof of God’s sovereignty. In fact, they say God cannot be sovereign or in full control if man has any say in the matter. They say if we have the ability to determine our destiny, it would be the same as us telling God Almighty what to do. "Obviously," they say, "mortal man cannot dictate God’s actions." Listed below is a comment concerning this:
- "By making election conditional upon something that man does, even if what he does is simply to repent and believe the gospel, God’s grace is seriously compromised." (Storms, Chosen for Life, p. 55)
The issue of "choice" is the Achilles’ heel of selective salvation. The doctrine falls apart when this issue is closely examined. There are many aspects of "choice" that contradict the doctrine of selective salvation. In order to help you better understand the issue of choice, I have broken it down into multiple chapters.
Other Chapters in this Section
PART 1: What is Selective Salvation?
PART 2: What Does the Bible say about Selective Salvation?
PART 3: Problems with Selective Salvation
PART 4: “Choice” –The Achilles’ Heel of Selective Salvation
Choice 1: The Contradictions of Selective Salvation
Choice 2: Can You Force Someone to Love You?
Choice 3: Is Choice Really a Choice Without a Choice?
Choice 4: Do We Really have a Free Will?
Choice 5: Can Prayer Change Things?
Choice 6: Can God be Grieved by Our Sins or Moved by Our Repentance?
Choice 7: The Choice to Sin
Choice 8: Are We Incapable of Choosing God?
Choice 9: Choice and the Moral Standard
Choice 10: The Purpose of Choice
Choice 11: The Suffering of Job
Choice 12: Why is God Pleased with our Obedience?
Choice 13: The Rich Young Ruler
Choice 14: Why was God so Excited when the Lost Sheep was Found?
Choice 15: A Man After God's Own Heart
Choice 16: Choose You this Day whom You will Serve
Choice 17: Appointed as a Ruler over many Cities
PART 5: Difficult Questions Answered
Appendix: Foundational Documents used by Selective Salvationists
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