Mortality Counter for Mission Conferences
The Mortality counter will continue to count as long as you keep the program open. So, if you have a missionary conference that lasts for three days, it will continue to count until the end of the conference. You will run into a problem, however, if you lose power for some reason or you have to turn the computer off every night.
I’ve created a counter system that was designed for long missionary conferences that lasts for days, weeks, or even months. Unknown to the user, the program opened and closed numerous windows to carry out the needed tasks. Unfortunately, the new security updates for browsers over the past ten years has made my program cumbersome to use. It would continually ask you permission to open or close these windows. Until I am able to program a permanent work around, I’ve created a temporary system.
It works well, but it requires the user to impute the starting value. Basically, every time you turn on the counter, you will calculate the amount of time that has elapsed since the beginning of the conference and this will tell you how many people died since the conference started. You would then put this number into the counter. Following are the steps to impute the starting value.
Following are the instructions on calculating the number of people who have died since the beginning of the missionary conference. First, figure out how many days, hours and minutes have lapsed since the beginning of the conference. Then use the tables below to add up the numbers. When you enter the number that have died, DO NOT include the "," (commas).
Click Here to see what the counter looks like.
You may use the CTRL and + (or -) keys to adjust the size of the numbers.
Click Here to download the file now.
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