Nation of Israel
Chapter: 14.61 Important Note People who believe in selective salvation will point to the Nation of Israel as proof God has chosen a group of people for salvation. I see three problems with this. First, since a very large number of these Israelites were not believers, this selection could not have been for salvation. Following are some things God has said about Israel:
Second, if their selection was for salvation, then all of the present day Israelites should also be Christians. This, of course, is not true. Selective Salvationists may say Israel’s great sin 2,000 years ago (the rejection of Christ) caused God to select others for salvation instead of the Jews, but this can’t be true. The main premise of selective salvation is a person’s heart and repentance has nothing to do with God’s selection. Therefore, all of the present day Jews should also be believers. Besides, Article 8 (Canons of Dort) says that God’s election is the same in the New Testament as it was in Old Testament times. Third, "Outsiders" (in Old Testament times) were welcomed to partake in God’s salvation. The Bible provides plenty of examples of outsiders being included into God’s redemption. Ruth, who was a Gentile, had a whole book in the Bible written about her. In fact, Joseph, the father of Jesus, was her descendant. Outsiders were welcomed and accepted. God did not select the Nation of Israel for salvation, but for service. There were certain things God wanted to accomplish through these people. One of the main things God wanted to do was to create a people from whom the Messiah would come.
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