paFileDB Security Patch: July 23, 2003 This update fixes a huge security bug present in all versions of paFileDB 3. Issues on how to exploit the bug will be kept private to protect those who decided not to upgrade, but, this bug can allow a hacker to do some really bad stuff to your server. Additionally, it fixes a small bug allowing someone to use extremley high or low numbers to rate a file, now all valid ratings must be between 1 and 10, so someone who doesn't like the file can't make the overall rating something like -300.53/10. To install the patch, upload the following files to your server: /includes/functions.php /includes/rate.php /includes/team/file.php /includes/admin/file.php NOTE: The version number on the copyright will not change, again, this is to protect those that, for some reason, choose not to upgrade. This way, the fact that they haven't patched won't stand out to hackers.